To create a Fake Wireless Access Point in Kali Linux. We will need a wireless network interface and then putting it into Monitor Mode.
1. To check if there is Wireless Network Interface or not , Open Terminal and run command- "iwconfig". And in Image below we can see that "wlan0" is wireless interface.
1. To check if there is Wireless Network Interface or not , Open Terminal and run command- "iwconfig". And in Image below we can see that "wlan0" is wireless interface.
2. Now put your "wlan0" interface into Monitor Mode. We will use command- "airmon-ng start wlan0", but before this we will kill some process which can interfere in starting monitor mode by command- "airomon-ng check kill".
3. Now we will check our Monitor Mode Interface, by using Command- "iwconfig". As you can see my monitor mode interface is "wlan0mon".
4. Now we will create Fake Access Point using "mdk3" application. Run following command in Terminal- "mdk3 wlan0mon b -n Hell".
-n Hell is used for SSID(Name) of the AP.
5. This command will send Beacon Frame to Broadcast on different Channels using different MAC Address every time. Every Wireless Access Point sends beacon frames to broadcast to show their presence in Wireless Network and Every Wireless Client receives Beacon Frames and get their SSID.